Terms Of Use


  1. To provide equal services to all BACKWAVES's users, BACKWAVES strongly against the uses of multiple packet sending tools such as Finalspeed, and prohibit continuous occupation of high bandwidth usages;


  1. It is forbidden to store, provide, and publish content that violates the laws of the region where the server is located and the laws of China and other countries in the products and services provided by BACKWAVES;


  1. Unauthorized individuals and businesses are prohibited from reselling or publicly sharing BACKWAVES's services or products, if any individual will like to become reseller of BACKWAVES, please contact [email protected];


  1. It is forbidden to run software that use up a lot of CPU, bandwidth, and hard disk resources, such as traffic mining, various virtual currencies, video hangup, cluster computing, and traffic mutual brushing;


  1. It is forbidden to use the host to send external and internal packets, ARP attack, ARP hijacking, scan weak passwords, malicious brute force and interfere with the operation of other servers. BACKWAVES obtains the right to terminate the services with no refunds if any individual violation;


  1. When using BACKWAVES's products and services, it must be carried out in accordance with the premise permitted by local laws;


  1. BACKWAVES only guarantees the normal operation of the products and services sold and provided, and the BACKWAVES's technical team has no obligation to provide assistance for any software problems;


  1. Individual should always use the services reasonably, respect BACKWAVES's support teams, prohibit insulting customer service, send meaningless work orders, work order bombing, etc., in the case of providing solutions, continue to harass/entangle the support team will results in termination of the service with no refund. If found In any case of insulting customer service and maliciously damaging the reputation of BACKWAVES, our company will reserve all legal rights;


  1. Except for independent server series, it is forbidden for any user to nest virtualization privately;


  1. All server use must comply with local laws and is strictly prohibited for illegal purposes;


  1. It is forbidden to counterfeit brand websites, any type of pornography, Easypanel panel, qemu virtual machine, any GUI desktop;


  1. It is forbidden to use the host provided by BACKWAVES to build/install software activation services such as Microsoft KMS. Once BACKWAVES's support team notices such abuse, the service will be terminated with no refund immediately;


  1. It is forbidden for NAT series machines to occupy more than 50% of the bandwidth of the service within one day. Please try to use the service balancely through out the month and provide equal quality to all users. The first unbalance usage will result in 3 days suspension, and the second time will result in termination;


  1. It is strictly forbidden to abuse customer service, including but not limited to work orders, group chats, private chats, etc. Once found, it will be dealt with according to the situation;


Abuse Management


  1. Under any circumstances, if we find any complaints or violations related to your host, we have the right to suspend your service without notifying you, and reserve the right to directly terminate the host and format the hard disk with data and money refund.


Remarks Common violations and abuses: pornography, politics, spam, attacks, being attacked, sending packets, virus/trojan horse distribution, port scanning, copyright disputes, phishing, SF games, BT, PT, stealing IP from others in the network, or doing it yourself Modify the use of IP that does not belong to you, etc.




  1. Service unavailable, data loss, etc. due to user arrivals, non-renewal or forgetting to renew;


  1. Inaccessibility of services, loss of data, etc. due to improper user operations or other related behaviors;


  1. Inaccessibility, data loss, etc. caused by the user's website content or use behavior in violation of the terms of service and terms of use;


  1. Inaccessibility, data loss, etc. due to irresistible factors (social/natural);


Refund Policy


  1. There is no refund policy for products that have no problems in use, and no refunds are accepted for reasons of speed, delay, and personal problems.
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